This is Cool Stuff

Dispensed at random, just like I found it.

If you're interested in Anime (AKA Japanimation), this is a good launch pad.

You could be watching TV right now!! Go here to see what's on.

If you're interested in spirited discussion about the joys and heartaches of having large breasts, go visit someone who's in the know.

Feeling arty? How about taking a gander at a gallery full of classical paintings of women from Greek mythology.

Here are some sites for television shows that aren't the usual comedic garbage (funny how they all seem to have short, precarious lifespans):

If you haven't experienced the wonders of Supermarionation, by all means check these sites out:

And although UFO isn't technically made with puppets (the acting is a bit wooden, maybe), it's got cool models!

If you like big monsters trashing major Asian urban centres, you should definitely check these out:

Last, but not least, if you haven't experienced the unadulterated joy and mind-boggling snarkiness of Mystery Science Theater 3000, well, you're not really alive, are you.

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