FlashSync 1.05
for Palm Connected Organizers

FlashSync lets you find and fix file duplicates on your FlashPro enabled device!

Product Highlights -- Registration -- Download

Product Highlights
FlashSync allows you to quickly identify and deal with multiple copies of applications or data on your device. It is possible to end up with your device in this state if you use FlashPro. The most likely cause is when an updated version of an application is installed on your device, intended to replace the version in Flash. In this case, you'll end up with two different copies on your device -- one in Flash, and one in RAM. FlashSync will identify this type of problem, and offer options on how to proceed.

FlashSync registration is $5 USD. It is available from PalmGear. Registered users are entitled to all future updates.

Version History
  • 1.05 November 25, 1999. Original release

A demo version of FlashSync is available here. The unregistered version of FlashSync is fully functional. If you use FlashSync beyond 30 days, you are honour-bound to register it.

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times since November 25, 1999.

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