Moshoeshoe Primary School

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>> Moshoeshoe Primary
>> W.D. Hendricks Primary
>> Violence Prevention
>> Calling Ontario Teachers


Located in Daveyton, Gauteng Province, the school is approximately half an hour from Johannesburg and has approximately 1200 students in grades 1 to 7 with 32 teachers. The pupil-teacher ratio is approximately 40:1 and facilities are extremely crowded.

South African Women for Women sponsored Canadian teachers on two trips to South Africa as part of our Teacher Mentoring Project. The success of the project is reflected in their reports.

For the reports on the teacher visits to Moshoeshoe Primary please click on the links below

1999 Visit

1999 Teachers Diary

2000 Visit

1999. The campus is comprised of a group of single level brick buildings. One houses the offices and staff room; another houses the washrooms and the others are the classrooms.

There are no playground facilities for the younger children and no playing field for the more senior ones.  There seemed to be no physical space for activities such as sports or physical education.

There is no school library and there are few books in the classrooms for pleasure reading.  Textbooks are limited in number, variety and breadth in many cases.  Many of the existing texts are quite dated. 
A mobile library visits monthly but it appears limited in terms of student use.


Teachers, from time to time, get one or, sometimes, a few copies of books to use as classroom resources.

Maintenance of the facilities was clearly the responsibility of the children who cleaned each morning before classes started and sometimes again  in the afternoon. 

The school site itself was dry and dusty, partly due to the season and also to the school’s location on one of the many unpaved roads in the area. There are two Vice-Principals and two Heads of Departments who also teach. One Head supervises Grades 1-3; the other supervises Grades 4-7.  A clerk, a secretary and a maintenance helper support the office staff.