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JOHN SCOTT RUSSELL Victorian Engineer and Naval Architect.

Victorian Engineer and Naval Architect.

(Remaindered Stock)

George S. Emmerson
ISBN 0-7195-3393-7
342 pages
illustrated, hard cover
Price: Canada: $24.95, U.K. £14.00,
U.S. and Other Countries: US$24.95
(plus shipping & handling and applicable taxes)

Engineer, innovator and designer, John Scott Russell was at the forefront of technology and entrepreneurship in the mid-eighteen hundreds. His interests spanned the spectrum of steam-driven carriages and barges to pioneering marine designs and the politics of the American Civil War, British artillery supplies to the combatants and the founding of the Institute of Naval Architecture. Immersed in the social, professional and political circles of his day, Russell survived controversy, jealousies, defamation and conspiracies to emerge as an eclectic figure of the nineteenth century.