Film Review

China O'Brien

Year: 1990

Directed by: Robert Clouse

Cynthia Rothrock: stars as China O'Brien, a big-city cop who returns to her home town to clean up corruption.

Other Players: Richard Norton

Plot Synopsis: CR's dad is the sheriff, fighting a losing battle against a crime boss that eventually costs him his life. CR, with the help of an old friend and a mysterious one-handed stranger, successfully runs for her dad's job, and proceeds to wipe out the bad guys.

General Impressions: A hoot. This is CR at her campy best. The fights are fun, CR is charmingly winsome (or is that winsomely charming?), the plot has a modicum of sense and a lot of laughs (mostly unintentional, I suspect). When CR is described as the "Queen of B-Movie Kung Fu," they are talking about films like this one.

Watch It?: Definitely.