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My Pic

Yes, that is a picture of me. A self-portrait I designed a few years ago.

You may wonder when you look at the picture, what that long piece of WhatEver is on my head. It's just hair. I have a normal hair cut, except that I have a group of long hair on the side as shown...strange but true.

If you have some time, I'll take you on a trip about myself. There isn't much to say, so I won't take too much of your time.

Enjoy and don't get scared

Moose Jaw Link

If you don't already know, my name is Ron Chow, a graphic consultant. I am currently involved in website development and construction along with traditional graphic design. If you would like background on my education/ work experience or portfolio, click on the appropriate icon located on the side menu bar.

I was born and raised in a small city named Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. A great town to grow up in. -40 degrees celcius winters and hot dry summers.

I grew up there and decided to come to Toronto for an education. Saskatchewan isn't know for its graphic training reputation. Straight out of high school, I was witless about what I wanted to do. Some how, I did know I wanted to be in the graphic area. Not seeing my drawing of a robin on Romper Room, when I was a little kid, did not deter or scare me away from drawing.

I took and graduated from George Brown College with a Mechanical Engineering Technologist CAD/CAM - Drafting Design Diploma. I decided it wasn't for me. There was no creative aspect in it. Everything was drawing straight lines and set tolerences. I had to get out.

The logical thing to do was take a graphic design course. I already knew what George Brown was like, so I picked Seneca College. It wasn't that bad going to Seneca. Just like all colleges or schools, they need to stay focused and improve. I graduated with both a Design Arts Programme and Computer Graphic - Illustration Diploma.

Mail Link Sign All Pages and graphics © Ron Chow, 1996.
If you have any comments about this site, please mail them here.