Open Spaces HOMEPAGE

by Roman Mitz

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Listed below are some athletic teams and icons that created an impression during my formidable and not-so-formidable years. Kudos to the Buffalo Bills and the NFL in general, for continuing to package an exciting product and not watering down the game to the degree of other pro sports. Doug Flutie has managed to capture our imaginations and has really chalked one up for the underdog. In fact, he's not much taller than Underdog.  Like Flutie, the other "stars" mentioned are not necessarily of the Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan or Mark McGwire ilk. They're here because of an indefinable quality, call it an edge, that has on occasion brought them notoriety outside of the game. They're not role models…but they have left an indelible mark in their respective sports.

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denny.jpg (11774 bytes) Denny McLain

In 1968, Denny McLain became the first modern-day baseball pitcher to win 30 games, going 31-3 for the Detroit Tigers. It was truly a season when the stars all lined up for him, as he never again approached that level of success. Still, it's a record that has stood for over 30 years and, in this day and age of corked bats and massive sluggers, it may never be eclipsed. Unfortunately, like Pete Rose, McLain has since had his share of off-field woes and, like Rose, will likely never be elected to the Hall of Fame. This is not a soapbox, but it would be really nice if someone in the fair states of Michigan and Ohio would lobby to right these wrongs…McLain and Rose belong in Cooperstown. I had a chance to meet McLain at a sports convention in Toronto. He apparently had a cable show in Detroit and it shows; his witty one-liners and hilarious recollections from his magic year were the highlights of the night.


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johnny.jpg (12524 bytes) Johnny Bower

Johnny Bower comes from an era when hockey was the world's greatest spectator sport. This was a time when men were real men and goalies didn't wear masks. Bower was one of the greatest netminders and, with his patented poke check, he helped the Toronto Maple Leafs win four Stanley Cups in the 60's. Now in his mid-seventies, he's still in great shape with a vice-like handshake. Check out Bower and the other Leaf greats at

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The Buffalo Bills
A Buffalo Bills game is outdone only by the spectacle of the pre-game tailgate. Check out the bills home site at

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Mike Tyson
Iron Mike has received a lot of bad press but at moments like this you wonder if he deserves it.


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