HEART Initiatives 

This page is to let you know what HEART is doing for you and your kids, in terms of specific goals and campaigns that we are working on.  This page is always in development. 

We have been very active and the following are items we are working on as of the 1st day of August 1999: 

  • Since our presentation to the Joint Senate/Commons Special Committee on Custody and Access,  we are now involved with:
    • sponsoring meetings with other groups within the GTA with the intent to develop a stategy for placing our agenda forward within the Provincial review of the Joint Custody and Access Report
    • connecting with our membership to encourage them to meet with their Provincial respresentatives and discuss the need for a family law policy of equal shared parenting
  • Arranging meetings with the members of the Ontario Crime Control Commission to discuss our previous presentations on the issue of fatherlessness as the main cause of crime among young offenders
  • Upcoming presentation of the annual Robin Goertz Award to Senator Anne Cools
  • Update on the new family law rules for Ontario, and their potential impact on Fathers
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HEART (Human Equality Action & Resource Team)

2A The Marketplace
East York, Ont.      M4C 5M1
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