HEART Position On Bill C-22, Jan-Feb 2003: Fight!

HEART (Human Equality Action & Resource Team) is urging the many powerful groups that support Equal Parenting to meet with their local MPs and urge that Bill C-22 be scrapped, and that the Minister of Justice stop abusing the children of Canada.  This page will help you fight.
  • C-22 modifies the divorce act by putting in obscure language that does nothing to restore respect for parental rights or for the real needs of children to have both parents.
  • This bill can't be repaired, and it will be used to 
    • Keep the status quo in the family courts,
    • Keep the money flowing into the divorce industry,
    • Keep corrupting parents to seek each other's elimination by guaranteeing that one will be master and the other slave, or that one must be rejected and lost to the children,
    • Put feminist ideology ahead of the will of Canadians.
  • Parliament is re-starting on Jan. 27.  MPs will return to Ottawa.  People need to call for appointments NOW.
  • Every group member must make an appointment with the local Member of Parliament as soon as possible.
  • Every group must encourage (bug relentlessly) and support their group members to meet with their MPs, as a matter of urgency.  For example, HEART is offering to accompany members (or any friend of equal parenting in town) to see their MPs.
  • HEART is providing this webpage, to allow you to download a 1-page, plain-talking handout that you might choose to use for your MP.
  • File Name (click
    to download)
    Download Size
    FACT has created another webpage (click here) that makes it very easy to find and contact your MP, and that offers a longer, more detailed handout that you might prefer.

    Whether you use the FACT or the HEART handout, or create your own, please take 1 minute to fill out our form, and say who you are, and how you or your local group are meeting with which MPs, so that we can get an idea of how you are using this service.

  • We are hoping that Canadian equal parenting groups will do the grassroots work that we so urgently need.
HEART Homepage