The Heber Down Rescue Rats
Most of these rats have found homes.
If you are looking for a rat to adopt check my adoption page
On or about May 10, 2000, a large number of rats and mice were dumped at Heber Downs Conservation
area in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. It was quite hot, and the heat killed many. This was followed by three major
thunderstorms in the space of 36 hours which caused flooding, and drowned many more.
In June we had 78 rats. 59 have since been adopted, and 7 were fostered. I currently have 5
females, plus 4 boys whom we readopted from the local shelter available for adoption. If anyone was
checking my math we've decided to adopt 7 ourselves (grin). There are more rats,
including kittens from May litters at the shelter as
well as quite a few mice.
These little girls and boys need loving homes. They aren't afraid of people, and many come running to my hand to sniff
it. If you can adopt, foster, or assist in any way, please contact Virginia at
or inquire about the Pet Sponsorship Program at the shelter.
Also check out the Placement Page,
where we've been organizing and listing adoptions.
These are a few of the survivors:
Friends for Life
Are You my Mommy?
Take me home
Shelter for Two
A new Mom
A Young Homeless Soul
Where are We?
Finding New Friends
And Discovering New Worlds
©, 2000 - 2001