A Project of The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
by Carolyn MacDiarmid
Illustrated by Sarah Ennals
This book is a project of the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, a national, non-profit organization that promotes and supports inclusion, accessibility, and the equitable employment of persons with disabilities.

Over the years, CCRW has had to undo many misconceptions about disability and individual differences. CCRW also identified a need for children's storybooks that represent persons with disabilities. This book is the result of CCRW's attempt to address these needs and is a tool that can be used to give children a positive message about disabilities while entertaining young readers with rhyme, rhythm, and humour.

Wendy Blair, the character in this book, represents each of us. Wendy is angelic and naughty and has strengths and weaknesses, talents and capabilities, and emotions and feelings. These attributes make up the very core of each of us, and it is our core that defines us. We are not defined by a single attribute such as a disability. This is important to remember when we meet someone and decide not to get to know him or her because we're not comfortable with a particular attribute of that person. Instead, we should adjust our focus and our attitude to see, appreciate, and celebrate all the attributes that make each of us so wonderfully unique.

Carolyn MacDiarmid

The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

1. An early character sketch for Wendy

2. Wendy and her classmates play basketball , page 30

3a) "At lunchtime, she would shoot her peas/ Between the supervisor's knees" Wendy torments the lunchroom supervisor, page 10

3b) Wendy, in her wheelchair, continues to torment the lunchroom supervisor, page 28

4. Wendy scuplts in plasticine, page 27 (detail)

All images except for 1, coloured pencil on paper

Sarah Ennals 2001

All photographs by Andrew Specht, 2002

3.(a) 3.(b)

Contact Carolyn MacDiarmid


The book received its launch May 7 at the Bloor MacMillan Children's Centre.
Sarah (left) and Carolyn (right)signed many many copies.
Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship, with ASL interpreter Ayoka Junaid.
A representative of Imperial Oil's Charitable Foundation speaks with Sarah Ennals.