Ernestine Tahedl RCA, OSA Biographical Notes
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Ernestine Tahedl was born and educated in Austria and received a Master's Degree in graphic art from the Vienna Academy of Applied Arts. Following graduation in 1961, she collaborated with her father, Professor Heinrich Tahedl, in the design and execution of stained glass commissions until she immigrated to Canada in 1963. Her work is represented in public, corporate and private collections and galleries in Canada, United States, France, Switzerland, Austria, and Japan. Her awards include the Graduation Prize of the Austrian Government 1961, the Bronze Medal of the Vienna International Exhibition of Paintings 1963, the Allied Arts Medal of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada 1966, and a Purchase Award, Concourse Artistique du Quebec 1966. In 1967 she received a Canada Council Arts Award, in 1999 the Mayor’s Prize at Kyoto ’99, Kyoto, Japan, and in 2000 the Kobe Sun Prize at Flora Art 2000 at Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan. She was elected a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 1977 and of the Ontario Society of Artists 1984. She received the Governor General's Canada 125th Anniversary Medal in 1993. She was the recipient of the Arts and Letters Award from the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto in 2000, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 and the “In Celebration of Women” Long-term Achievement Award, Arts, in 2004. She was invited to participate in the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy in 2003. She received the President’s Medal of the Ontario Society of Artists in 2006. The Varley Art Gallery of Markham organized and presented a Retrospective 1946-2006, curated by Katerina Atanassova, Curator, Varley Art Gallery of Markham, in 2006. This Retrospective travelled to several centers in Ontario: the John B Aird Gallery in Toronto, the Durham Art Gallery and the Georgina Arts Centre & Gallery. Tickle Scratch Productions produced a film for the Bravo television series: “The Artist’s Life: Ernestine Tahedl” under the direction of Michael Glassbourg in 2007. Preparations are underway for a solo exhibition in Niederösterreichische Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst, DOK, in St Poelten, Austria, in September 2012 and for the Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, Croatia in November 2012.

In 2013 a shows of recent works took place in the Kulturforum of Austria in Bratislava, Slovakia and at the KULTUREBENE, Schloss Pöggstall, Lower Austria in July 2014.In 2015 Tahedl participated in the Group show: 10 Jahre Mitteleuropa -/ Donauraumausstellungszyklus ”FERNE NÄHE” Stift Lilienfeld, Austria. In 2016 her work with her Fathers work was shown in a large exhibition in the Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria under the title: Heinrich Tahedl / Ernestine Tahedl Versammelte Werke. 2016, 9 Mosaic panels by Ernestine Tahedl commissioned 1965 that were reclaimed from the Canada Post office formerly on site are now part of the new Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton Alberta. 2016, she has been awarded the Golden Decoration of Honour for services to the Republic of Austria. In 2017 an exhibition of recent paintings will be in the Monastery of St Florian, Austria.



My more recent paintings allow me to immerse myself into "pure" painting without being lost in it. Over the years I have searched for this freedom in my work. I explore and try to find the balance between the realistic image and the pictorial values for my paintings.

The concept of multiple canvases and panels has always fascinated me. It leads me towards the medieval concept of religious paintings and their spirituality. I hope that spirituality and serenity are integral to my work. Colour and light are additional factors that guide my work. Colour to me is light. For me, the Series come close to a musical experience and were painted and inspired listing to classical music which is reflected in the titles.

I feel these paintings are a more direct, human and spiritual expression without confinement of the motif or formal restriction; yet still consist of all those elements that I have explored in my work over the years."



Artist Ernestine Tahedl talks to the Royal Alberta Museum - August 26, 2016


Ernestine Tahedl Exhibit - November 4, 2013


Ernestine Tahedl: Resonance - December 16, 2013



1940 Born October 12th, Ried in der Riedmark, Upper Austria
1955-1961 Education at University of Applied Art, Vienna, Austria
1961 Masters Diploma in Graphic Arts and Applied Graphics
1963 Immigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1965 Moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1983 Moved to King City, Ontario, Canada, where she continues to live and work

Arts Society Membership

1977 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
1984 Ontario Society of Artists

Selected Awards

1961 Würdigungspreis of the Austrian Government
1966 Allied Arts Award of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
1966 Purchase Award, Concours Artistique du Québec
1967 Canada Council Arts Award
1993 Governor General’s Canada 125th Anniversary Medal
1999 Mayor’s Prize at Kyoto’99, Kyoto, Japan
2000 Arts and Letters Award, Arts and Letters Club, Toronto, Canada
2002 Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal
2006 President’s Medal of the Ontario Society of Artists
2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
2013 Eleanor Besen Award of the Ontario Society of Artists
2016 Golden Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria

Selected Solo Exhibitions

1971 Wiener Secession, Vienna, Austria
1977-1989 J. Arends Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1980-2005 Shayne Gallery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1984-1993 Gallery Quan-Sheider, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1991-2015 Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
2000-2015 Trias Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2006 Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York, USA
2006 Varley Art Gallery of Markham, Unionville, Ontario, Canada
2008-2014 John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2012 NÖ Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst, St.Pölten, Austria
2012 Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, Croatia
2013 Austrian Cultur Forum. Bratislava, Slovakia
2014 Kunstebene, Schloss Pöggstall, Lower Austria
2016 Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
2017 Stift St. Florian, Upper Austria

Selected Group Exhibitions

1980 RCA Centennial Contemporary Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1980 Les Métiers de l’Art, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
1980-1981 Wesleyan International Exhibition of Prints and Drawings, Macon, Georgia, USA
followed by a travelling show throughout the USA
1981 The 3rd Seoul International Print Biennale, Seoul, Korea
1983 Cabo Frio International Print Biennale, Brazil
1983 15th International Biennale of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1987 Opening Show Academy House RCA, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1998 Earth Works, RCA Member’s Show, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1999 Japan International Art Council Exhibition, Kyoto Museum, Kyoto, Japan
1999-2004 Helen Lucas and Ernestine Tahedl, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2006 Biennale Internationale dell’Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy
2015 10 Jahre Donauraumausstellungszyklus ”FERNE NÄHE” Stift Lilienfeld, Austria